The United Church of Christ of Annapolis believes that God unconditionally loves all the people of this world and, therefore, we declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation: welcoming all persons into the full life and ministry of this church regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In particular, all persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered are welcome here. Further, whatever their ethnicity, age marital status, mental or physical ability, social or economic status, or faith tradition. We care about justice and dignity for all people, and strive for friendship, joy, compassion and grace in all of our life together as followers of Jesus Christ.

Adopted January 2012

As followers of Jesus, we value:

God's love for all people - conveyed in our welcome and inclusion of all persons,
whatever their age, race, gender orientation, condition, or faith.

Worship - expressed in joy.

Faith - nurtured by learning and expressed in deeds of ministry and service.

Community - known in fellowship and care, forgiveness, and grace.

The United Church of Christ - especially its commitment to justice; its openness to all people and its respect for other opinions, voices, and faiths; and its conviction that "God is Still Speaking!"

Adopted January 2012

As followers of Jesus Christ called together as the United Church of Christ of Annapolis, we covenant together to love each other genuinely not in words only, but by the ways in which we speak and live with each other. We promise to listen to one another and to learn to place ourselves in the other's place and knowing their hopes and fears, joys and troubles, to offer our solidarity and help.

We promise to be a church that never gives up on ourselves or others when times are hard. We will seek to learn patience and faithfulness in prayer and, even more so when times are difficult. When we think ourselves always right or better than the other, we will pray for humility and for correction. And, for those we consider our enemies, we will pray God's blessings on them and seek to repay mistreatment, not with like behavior, but with kindness and mercy.

We promise to follow Jesus by living in peace, working for justice, serving those in need, and by being a welcoming home to all who come our way. We will express our faith by being joyous in worship, open in learning, compassionate in ministry, strong in fellowship, and loving in witness.

And, above all, we promise to be grateful for the grace that is our through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and for the gift of being a part of this community of faith.


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